“Be around the light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. They challenge you, break you open, uplift and expand you. They don’t let you play small with your life. These heartbeats are your people. These people are your tribe.”

- Danielle Doby

Yoga Teacher Training and Beyond

  • Yoga Teacher Training

    This 200 hour program is unparalleled in its depth and breadth. The program exceeds the requirements of Yoga Alliance while strategically teaching confidence, safety and (most of all) self-care. Learn more or register below.

  • The Teacher's Lounge

    A community building subscription designed for yoga teachers to access professional development videos and a monthly mastermind class with me.

  • Living Your Purpose

    A 12-week group coaching program to help you come into a clearer view of you. It is about daily self-care routines, self-inquiry and, by the end, self-love. Isn’t it time you belonged to your own life?

Coming Up Inside The Teachers’ Lounge: Mastermind Workshop

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024


Backbends & Heart Openers

In studio, on Zoom & recorded in our archives

Often professional development is pricey and requires us to take time away from our normal lives, which costs money both in lost revenue and hotel fees etc.

The Teachers’ Lounge and the Mastermind workshops in particular, are designed to be a constant source of inspiration and skill development without the added cost of time and money.

A community building subscription designed for yoga teachers to access professional development videos and a monthly mastermind class with me.

Instead of us all putting aside lots of time and funding to pay for professional development, this only costs $27/month and will give you Yoga Alliance credits plus a community to share ideas, questions and camaraderie (something that can really be lacking for self-employed teachers).

What Is The Teachers’ Lounge?

Additionally, we are going to have the opportunity to build community within our industry! Meet with peers, discuss your questions, insights and worries!

In the Mastermind workshops, we will explore topics of interest to you. One month, we might look at a certain posture or category of postures, and discuss the why, when and how of them. Lesson plans, cues, counter stretches and assisting will all be on deck for these conversations. Alternatively, we might discuss something like the Bhagavad Gita or the Upanishads or Sutras!

The topics will be co-created between us!

All of these workshops will be in studio, on Zoom and recorded for later viewing. These will all add to the resource library of The Lounge.

Fill your tank, grow your bounty of serving the greater good.

200 HR Yoga Teacher Training

Nov. 3, 2024 to April 30, 2025

Dharma literally means ‘that which supports.’ It is your reason for being here. It is your calling. As much as for many of us, this might manifest as ajob, it is important to remember that our greatest job, our most important calling, is actually the growing of ourselves. We are here to tend our souls and evolve our journeys. This is what this Yoga Teacher Training with me is all about.

This training will present you with an opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level and to embrace all of the wonders of what you could do in this lifetime. You may not want to be a teacher but you long for the immersion into you through the lens of yoga philosophy and subtle anatomy.

You may want to dive in for the purpose of living a more fulfilling life, whether you become a teacher or not. Perfect. 

This 200 hour program is unparalleled in its depth and breadth. The program exceeds the requirements of Yoga Alliance while strategically teaching confidence, safety and (most of all) self-care. 

With a cap of 12 participants, you will be met, heard and supported. You will be coached and guided to teach in the way that most suits who you are and why you are on this planet. You will find your dharma as both student and teacher, stepping forward with confidence and capabilities to teach any level and any ability of student.

This is about your evolution.

This is life changing.

The Program Will Cover…

The Fundamentals of Teaching, Including:

  • Posture analysis/asana breakdown with the goal that you will be able to discern and teach any posture by analyzing its elements.

  • The creation of excellent and safe lesson plans to increase efficacy and reduce the risk of injury (body, mind and spirit)

  • Assisting – safely and effectively

  • In a nutshell, you will have the ability to teach and assist any posture safely and effectively regardless of your ability to actually do the pose or the level of the pose. You will be confident to work with those with injuries and disease, putting them at ease in your care.

Anatomy & Physiology:

  • Physical anatomy including nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems

  • Joint mobilization and stabilization

  • Fascial awareness

  • Subtle body including chakras, nadis (meridians) and koshas

  • Injury & disease awareness, prevention and recovery

The Philosophy and History of Yoga:

  • The Bhagavad Gita

  • The Sutras

  • The Vedas & Upanishads

  • Sankhya

The Life of a Yoga Teacher:

  • The lineage of this training and its unique insights

  • What it means to be in a position of power as a teacher, and how to navigate this safely

  • Work/life balance

  • How to run a business and follow your dharma

Your Commitment

Attendance during all elements is required for Yoga Teacher Training throughout the six month period. This is what our time together will entail…

  • One intensive per month, Friday mornings until Sunday afternoons

  • A weekly zoom call together

  • 24 hours of classes in which you observe a teacher and then assist

  • A monthly peer connect, likely via zoom

  • 6 coaching calls with Allie (30-45 minutes)

  • One class per week to attend at your preferred studio (please note this is separate from your program fees).

Why Study With Allie?

I believe that we are all here, carrying a soul’s reason for incarnation.

That reason becomes our dharma (that which supports). I am blessed to have been able to follow my dharma of teaching for the past 25 years. I love this practice and I really believe in it. However, my dharma is not to ‘teach yoga’. 

This is my core value statement or my dharma: I hold space and reflections to allow for the alchemical process of turning shame and fear into self-love and belonging so that we can all become effective stewards of our lives and our planet.

Said another way, I teach yoga to seekers and sensitive ones so that they may better love themselves, those around them and the planet. I use yoga as the vehicle but the destination is love, belonging and stewardship.

There are many yoga teachers in the world but none of them are you. We will explore the question of why your soul chose to incarnate into this life and begin to access your strengths that likely emerged out of your obstacles and struggles. What kind of people will be drawn to you? What will allow you to emerge as the unique teacher or being that you are here to become? What is your dharma?

To become a safe and effective teacher, this learning needs to be filtered through the rational and the reality of being a human in this time. You carry symptoms, patterns and issues in your being. Your students will do the same. Yoga is a beautiful science that can promote healing and it can also cause harm. 

In this program, you will learn the art of creating safe space, effective lesson plans and how to apply clear and concrete assists that do not injure. Your intuition is a blessing and, to be an effective teacher, you must also be able to filter gut knowing through the rationale of good training. I was taught really well by Esther Myers and I have continued to learn every day since my certification 25 years ago. We will never stop learning.

Yoga teacher training is one of my favourite aspects of my career. I love the deep dive that I get to do, time and again with my trainees. It is a deep dive into the bottomless world of yoga but also into the best of each of us. I love watching people fall in love with themselves. This is what we will get to do together.

I hope you will walk beside me for a while. I’d love to share space and this deep learning with you.

om shanti, in peace,


Your Investment: $4,000 + HST

All weekend, zoom sessions and the classes that comprise the apprenticeship are included in the tuition cost.

Please note the following payment plan is also available:

Monthly payments $687 +HST/month over 6 months

If you are interested in arranging a payment plan other than the above, please contact Allie at allie@alliechisholmsmith.com.