Living Your Om

Find your true rhythm, your unique gifts in the world and fall in love with you.

Get to know your superpowers, tame your saboteurs and map out your next right action(s) to put forward your dreams and desires.

One of the most human of drives is the drive to feel like we have done something impactful in the world.

It isn’t necessarily becoming a celebrity on the Walk of Fame, but feeling like we have all done something to make this world a better place.

It has taken me 54 years to stand in my own shoes. It has taken me 30 fabulous (and also not-so-fabulous) years in my career to be able to say that I do it well. It has taken me a whole lot of coaching to say that I can reach my Holy Sh#t goals.

I can imagine you will relate to this story because it is the story of so many. 

You put yourself at risk whenever you step out and shine your light. But you have this niggling voice that keeps saying that there is something you’d like to offer or do or contribute. 

And then the inevitable questions flood in: But how? And what can I do? And, will it be enough? Or the really doozy “who do you think you are?”

Living Your Om is your opportunity to be supported as you step out into your mastery.

This 12-week program is designed to help you discover and own your power and purpose and then chart the path forward where you get to bring your passion and plans into a world in need of YOU.

This is the journey back to belonging to you and your life.

Short term, you’ll understand that everything that happened to you before gave you a tool to be a more powerful you today.

Long term, you will find greater compassion for yourself and, I hope, love yourself

a whole lot more.

This program will help you: 

➡️ Learn and understand your unique elemental makeup to get really clear on what your strengths and pitfalls are.
➡️ Define the messages that hold you back from your saboteurs to ancestral/cultural voices.
➡️ Activate your alter ego & allies to overcome those voices.
➡️ Put daily self-care practices in place to prioritize you as the central figure in your life.

But where this program will really shine is in the activation portion:

➡️ You will meet with me three times one-on-one to get you on the right track and clear in your thoughts and actions.
➡️ You will work with a triad of colleagues. The three of you are going to meet regularly with an agenda set to get your plan into action.
➡️ You will be given material that will help you dig into what is holding you back so that, with support, you can tame those wildebeests and get them working for you instead of against you.
➡️ And most importantly of all, from the very first day, you will map your journey from now to where you want to be.
➡️ You will identify stepping stones of progress to remind you that you are right on track.
➡️ You will understand that the small acts are leading to the big picture so that no energy feels wasted. 

If you currently feel like you are in a fog, this course is going to be your lighthouse. 

You will emerge with a map 🗺️ to follow and an unwavering vision.

Does this sound like it fits you? Does it feel like what you need right now?

If you are like me, you’ve waited long enough. The world needs you now.

Over the 12 weeks (June 4th- Aug. 20th, 2024), you will:

  • Meet bi-weekly on a group coaching call on Zoom

  • Meet regularly with your triad (there will be frequent breakout sessions that you will enjoy with two other participants)

  • Have three individualized coaching sessions with me

You will also get weekly content and homework, including…

  • Meditations to help you to vision and embrace your plan

  • Discussions of the Bhagavad Gita to inspire your action

  • Homing in on your doshas & elements

  • Understanding of where you have been putting your energy (investments) and where you might redirect

  • Getting clear on your alter ego and its power

  • Have access to recorded yoga practices with me

How does that all sound?

With access to yoga, coaching and content, the value of this program is huge! Act quickly to get the early bird pricing of $1499 which is only on until May 19th, then the price goes to $2250.

We start with our first group coaching call (on Zoom) from 7-8 pm on Tuesday, June 4th.